Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Social Justice Essay Topics For Teens

Social Justice Essay Topics For TeensSocial justice essay topics for teens can be challenging. Teenagers are often struggling with multiple issues including bullying, sexual/romantic issues, and the pressures of being so young. A good writer will know how to get teenagers to open up about their feelings and how to give them a platform to talk about these topics in a language that teenagers can relate to. When writing an essay, it is important to have teens who are interested in the topic.It can be difficult to explain a difficult situation to a teenager at high school age. Many of the social issues faced by teenagers today, may have been discussed with them on a nightly television show or in a book they've read. Parents and teachers know that the subject matter can be tough to discuss. To do this well, a teenager needs a good writer who knows how to develop her ideas into a compelling, well-written essay.Teens are usually going through difficult emotional transitions. These transitio ns may include the loss of a parent, and the transition from being a boy to being a girl. They may also deal with problems regarding peer pressure and the effects of peer relationships, which include rape, death, sexual abuse, stalking, and bullying. All of these may force teens to face difficult problems and offer an excellent opportunity for a thoughtful essay.It is important to consider the literary value of the essay. The title is an important part of this issue. If the topic is serious, like bullying, for example, then the title must speak to the reader in a meaningful way. It is not enough to write 'I was bullied,' but 'I was bullied as a teen,' or 'I was victimized by peer pressure.'Social justice essay topics for teens are important to the goal of the writer. If there is no a 'theme' for the essay, then you must consider how each of the topics fits in with the theme. If you choose to go in the direction of an issue, like online harassment, then you must address that topic. Y ou may want to consider using other media outlets as reference points in your writing to help you keep focus on the ideas that you want to convey.Social justice topics for teens can be a challenge. But if you write with the idea that the essay should be an exploration of the individual with a purpose, then it will be a great experience for both you and the teen. There is nothing wrong with writing a 'study guide' to get the student prepared for the next lesson. This is a great way to get the teen's attention and allow the teen to express themselves more fully in an essay format.Social justice essay topics for teens are exciting topics to write about and provide teens with an important platform to express themselves and receive feedback. The essay, as well as all of the subsequent grades will be based on the essay and will be judged on its own merits, not necessarily on the topic of the essay.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Spanish Phrases That Refer to Animals but Arent About Them

Just as the phrase raining cats and dogs doesnt have much to do with the four-legged creatures, neither does the Spanish phrase levantar la liebre have much to do with hares—it has to do with figuratively exposing or shedding light on something. It seems that whatever the language, we like to talk about animals even when were really talking about something else. Here are more than a dozen Spanish phrases, most of them colloquial and some of them humorous, that include the names of animals. You can communicate more like a native speaker if you use these phrases—just dont understand them too literally! Caballo (Horse) Someone or something trying to do or be two different things at once can be said to be a caballo entre (like a horse between) those things. Turquà ­a està ¡ a caballo entre dos mundos: geogrà ¡ficamente se ubica entre Europa y Asia, y culturalmente se encuentra desgarrada entre el islam y el Occidente. (Turkey has its feet planted in two worlds: Geographically it is located between Europe and Asia, and culturally it is torn between Islam and the West.) Cabra (Goat) Someone who is crazy, strange or weird can be said to be como una cabra (like a goat). Seguro que pensaron que estaba como una cabra. (Im sure they thought I was loony.) Elefante (Elephant) Como un elefante en una cacharrerà ­a (like an elephant in a pottery shop) is the equivalent of like a bull in a china shop. No entres como un elefante en una cacharrerà ­a. Tà ³mate tu tiempo e intenta recabar la informacià ³n necesaria para conocer la empresa. (Dont start out like a bull in a china shop. Take your time and try to gather the information needed to understand the business.) Gato (Cat) Someone who is extremely lucky by avoiding or recovering quickly from disasters can be said to tener mà ¡s vidas que un gato (have more lives than a cat). El joven ciclista demostrà ³ que posee mà ¡s vidas que un gato. (The young bicyclist showed he may get knocked down but is never out.) Incidentally, while English speakers often talk about cats having nine lives, Spanish speakers seem to think they have seven or nine. If theres a hidden or secret reason for something occurring, we might say aquà ­ hay gato encerrado (here there is an enclosed cat). Sometimes the phrase is the equivalent of theres something fishy going on. The phrase may have come from centuries ago when money was sometimes hidden in a small bag made of cats fur.\ Supongo que Pablo se daba cuenta de que aquà ­ habà ­a gato encerrado, pero no sabà ­a nada de nuestro secreto. (I suppose that Pablo noticed that something unusual was happening, but he didnt know anything about our secret.) To do something daring or risky—often when nobody else is willing—is to ponerle el cascabel al gato (put the bell on the cat). Similar expressions in English include to take the plunge or to stick ones neck out. This phrase is quite common in political contexts. Despuà ©s de seis aà ±os de dudas, indecisiones, explicaciones y excusas, el presidente finalmente le puso el cascabel al gato. (After six years of hesitation, indecision, explanations, and excuses, the president finally took the plunge.) Liebre (Hare) Hares were once far more valuable than cats, so dar gato por liebre or meter gato por liebre (providing a cat instead of a hare) came to mean to swindle or dupe someone. Me dieron gato por liebre cuando intentà © comprar mi mà ³vil por internet. (They ripped me off when I tried to buy my cellphone online.) To lift the hare, levantar la liebre, is to reveal a secret or something that had not been known. In English we might let the cat out of the bag. Era la atleta que levantà ³ la liebre del dopaje. (She was the athlete who who exposed the secretive practice of doping.) Lince (Lynx) If someone can see extremely well or is very good at noticing fine details, you can say that person has the vista de lince (lynxs eyesight) or ojo de lince (lynxs eye). Its just as we can talk about someone being or having an eagle eye. The word for eagle, à ¡guila, works in these phrases as well. Uno de los voluntarios, que tenà ­a un ojo de lince, descubrià ³ el abrigo de la nià ±a en el bosque. (One of the volunteers, who had eagle eyes, found the girls raincoat in the forest.) Mosca (Fly) Someone who is hypocritical or two-faced, especially someone who hides evil intentions beneath an aura of niceness, is a mosca muerta, or dead fly. La actriz dijo que su personaje en la nueva telenovela es la clà ¡sica mosca muerta, con cara de buena, pero villana por dentro. (The actress said that her character on the new telenovela is the classic hypocrite with a face of goodness but villainy on the inside.) Someone who rambles off the topic of conversation or talking about nothing important is comiendo moscas or eating flies. No me gusta la clase. El profesor continua comiendo moscas. (I dont like the class. The teacher keeps on drifting off the subject.) Pavo (Turkey) That time of adolescence that corresponds roughly to the teenage years is known as la edad del pavo, the age of the turkey. The term is colloquial but not derogatory. La edad del pavo es una etapa en la adolescencia donde los hijos necesitan mà ¡s orientacià ³n y carià ±o que nunca. (The teenage years is the state of adolescence where children need more guidance and care than ever.) Perro (Dog) If you believe someone is lying to you—or, colloquially, pulling your leg—you can respond with a otro perro con ese hueso (to another dog with that bone).  ¿Me dices que estudiaste toda la noche?  ¡A otro perro con ese hueso! (Youre telling me you studied all night? Baloney!) Pollo (Chicken) In English, you might sweat like a hog, but in Spanish its sweating like a chicken, sudar como un pollo. Esa noche sudà © como un pollo. Creo que perdà ­ dos kilos. (That night I sweated like a pig. I think I lost 2 kilograms.) In Colombia, a popular sauce-covered chicken dish is known as pollo sudado (sweated chicken). Tortuga (Turtle) In English, if were slow we might do something at a snails pace, but in Spanish its a turtles pace, a paso de tortuga. Los trabajos para la construccià ³n del nuevo mercado pà ºblico marchan a paso de tortuga. (Work toward the construction of the new public market is proceeding at a snails pace.) Tigre (Tigre) If something is more of the same to the point where it becomes irrelevant or nearly so, you can call it one more stripe for the tiger, una raya mà ¡s al tigre or una mancha mà ¡s al tigre. Aunque para muchos es simplemente una raya mà ¡s al tigre, me importa mucho su compromiso. (Although for many it doesnt make much difference, her promise matters a lot to me.)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Legal Writing - 1315 Words

Affirmative Action College Admissions 2 Abstract Affirmative action has been a strong subject of discussion and debate for more than 30 years. Its use in college admissions has even been heard and ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court. Affirmative action is in essence, a policy or procedure developed by numerous institutions of higher learning to attempt to diversify their student bodies racially and by ethnicity. Looking closer at this procedure will display the advantages and disadvantages of affirmative action and college admissions. Affirmative Action College Admissions 3 Affirmative action is the practice, usually by institutions, of giving preference to racial minorities or women when hiring employees, giving†¦show more content†¦Affirmative action is designed to end discrimination and unfair treatment of students based on color, but it in effect does the opposite. Whites who work harder and/or are more qualified can be passed over strictly because they are white. Contrary to many stereotypes, many minorities Affirmative Action College Admissions 5 fall into the middle or upper class, and many whites live in poverty. Unfortunately, the way things are set up now, a poverty-stricken white student who uses discipline and hard work to become the best, can be passed over by a rich minority student who doesnt put in much effort at all. There are those who say students admitted on this basis are often ill-equipped to handle the schools to which theyve been admitted. Theres a possibility of success in these situations, but its more likely they will be in over their heads. Schools like Harvard and Yale have high GPA and SAT requirements because it is extremely difficult to graduate from them. Thus, when theyre forced to lower standards to achieve a minority quota, some students cant keep up. This isnt to say these students are less capable, but chances are that if they cant meet minimum requirements, they probably arent ready to go there. The far-lower graduation rate of minorities is testament to the fact that they are too often going to schools that dont match their ability. The original application criteria of schools were put in for a reason. We should adhere to them. InShow MoreRelatedLegal Methods, Research And Writing Essay1433 Words   |  6 Pagessuccessful in law whether studying or practicing the profession Legal methods, research and writing is a major necessity for those in the legal field. It is nearly impossible to study or practice law without the basic knowledge of legal methods, research and writing. This essay examines the importance of Legal methods, research and whether in school or outside in the legal profession. 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Smith 123 Rock Road Clark, PA 18118 Re: File No. Smith-3-04 Dear Ms. Smith, This letter is to inform you, that your tax appeal hearing has been scheduled for March 6, 2005, at 10:30 a.m. The hearing will be held at the County OfficeRead MoreLegal Writing Interoffice Memorandum1629 Words   |  7 Pagesto research and provide all relevant information that will help to assist you in whether or not to take the case of Tom and Betty Thomas. Will David being a trespasser hurt their case? What information about attractive nuisance could be helpful? LEGAL ISSUES The son of Tom and Betty Thomas, David Thomas, drowned while swimming in a pool. The pool was located in an unoccupied home near the Thomas residence. David did not have permission from the homeowner to use the pool. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Movie Analysis The Book of Eli - 612 Words

Critical literacy Have you ever confused or misunderstood on what’s written in the book or shown by other media? As a human, everyone must be have had this experience that really did not understood of author’s intention. That’s where critically literate citizen comes as vital role in this society. Critically literate sounds fancy or hard as it seems, but it actually easier to understand than what it sounds. Reading books or news or watching movies gives a good feelings as appreciated or bad feelings as sad or mad, yet, when feelings or emotions coming, it’s because reader understood what author’s intention was. Some people may be happy to gain so much knowledge from the books just read or watch movies because it contains meaningful messages. Either good or bad, media has always power and goal to convince readers, yet, it does not mean that readers should believe everything they have read or seen. Being critically literate means exam, search, and question on authorâ⠂¬â„¢s true purpose beyond context like â€Å"what you see is not always what you get†. Critical literate citizen responsible to seek what author’s motivation to write such context for what reason. Author constantly has a purpose which makes audience open their eyes and question, dispute or examine surroundings that they had never pay attention. Critically literate citizen would understood the author’s motivation on the article beyond the text itself. Everyone can read books or can watch news but not everyone can be aShow MoreRelatedA World Of True Blood And Twilight1349 Words   |  6 Pagesthe screech, to how her â€Å"body shook and quivered and twisted in wild contortions†. This scene is fully depicting female orgasm. Stoker solidifies it further by adding her teeth being clamped together as the orgasm progresses. Near the end of the book Stoker became more and more obvious with his insertion of sexualized material. 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The True Nobleman in Julius Caesars Rome Brutus - 839 Words

â€Å"A noble man compares and estimates himself by an idea which is higher than himself; and a mean man, by one lower than himself. The one produces aspiration; the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires† -Marcus Aurelius. In the novel Julius Caesar there are many people who claimed nobility. However there is only one noble man. There are many test that will show who is truly noble because, anyone in Rome could claim to be noble. Brutus was the only noble roman in Julius Caesar. Brutus was one of many Romans with noble bloodlines. Although Brutus was noble, he never used it to get ahead. There are many times when Brutus could have used the fact that he is truly noble but he didn’t. Many people argue that a noble†¦show more content†¦That was his motivation behind killing Caesar. As he stated early in the play â€Å"Did I the tired Caesar. And this man/Is now become a god, and Cassius is/ a wretched creature and must bend his body/If Caesar carelessly but nod on him† (I.ii.115-118). Cassius obviously hated what Caesar had become, and how was so powerful. Cassius obviously hated what Caesar had become, and how he was so powerful. He knew the truth about Caesar, and that is why he killed him. He even said to Brutus, â€Å"Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed/That he is grown so great†? (I.ii.149-150). Cassius saved Caesar’s life, and now Caesar doesn’t even like or trust him. After the games, Caesar mentioned t o Mark Antony â€Å"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look/He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous (I.ii.194-195)†. Cassius knew Caesar felt this way. That was his motivation, and that is why he isn’t noble. Hate is not a valid reason to kill someone. The rest of the conspirators aren’t noble either. They never stated a clear reason to kill Caesar. All of them only went along with it because Cassius convinced them. Caesar, Mark Antony, and Octavius are not noble. Caesar was never noble. He claimed he was noble. However people believed he was noble, because he was a very good speaker. Almost everything he said was a lie, but everyone believes him. That is how he got ahead so quickly. Noble men do not lie. Antony and Octavius are worseShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Tragic Hero In Julius Caesar905 Words   |  4 Pageshigh position such as a nobleman, who has hamartia, a tragic flaw that leads to his downfall, and even his demise. This is strongly illustrated in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, where Marcus Brutus’ desire to remain noble and honourable leads him to naivety and self destruction. The plot of the play revolves around removing power from Caesar, causing the inability of Marcus Brutus to reconcile his guilt over his involvement in the assassination. Although Marcus Brutus was developed as the mainRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar1082 Words   |  5 Pagesall-mighty Julius Caesar, for the sharp butcher of Brutus pierced his heart and condemned his life to cessation. This dramatic, mood changing affair serves as the pivotal platform in William Shakespeare’s, Julius Caesar. It is a compelling novel that recounts the unjust murder of Julius Caesar, an ancient Roman general. Oblivious to this conspicuous foreshadowing, Caesar fails to distinguish his true fellow men from plotting slaughtermen. Amongst his most intimate acquaintances, Brutus reveals hisRead MoreHonor : A Tragic Hero1399 Words   |  6 Pagesassuming that honorable ends justify dishonorable means†. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus takes the role of the tragic hero. Brutus’s honor, nobility, and self-righteousness makes him â€Å"a tragic figure, if not the hero† (Catherine C. Dominic). As the play opens, Brutus is known as a Roman nobleman and a member of one of the most illustrious families in Rome. He is first seen in Act I, scene ii, as one of Caesar’s â€Å"close friends† who is part of his entourage. But while alone with Cassius he

Edgar Allen Poe and his works Essay Example For Students

Edgar Allen Poe and his works Essay The short story writer which I have chosen to research is Edgar AllenPoe. After reading one of his works in class, I realized that his mysteriousstyle of writing greatly appealed to me. Although many critics have differentviews on Poe’s writing style, I think that Harold Bloom summed it up best whenhe said, â€Å"Poe has an uncanny talent for exposing our common nightmares andhysteria lurking beneath our carefully structured lives. † ( 7) For me, this isdone through his use of setting and narrative style. In many of Poe’s works, setting is used to paint a dark and gloomypicture in our minds. I think that this was done deliberatly by Poe so that thereader can make a connection between darkness and death. For example, in theâ€Å"Pit and the Pendulum†, the setting is originally pitch black. As the storyunfolds, we see how the setting begins to play an important role in how thenarrator discovers the many ways he may die. Although he must rely on hissenses alone to feel his surroundings, he knows that somewhere in this dark,gloomy room, that death awaits him. Richard Wilbur tells us how fitting thechamber in â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† actually was. â€Å"Though he lives on thebrink of the pit, on the very verge of the plunge into unconciousness, he isstill unable to disengage himself from the physical and temperal world. Thephysical oppreses him in the shape of lurid graveyard visions; the temporaloppreses him in the shape of an enormous and deadly pendulum. It is altogetherappropriate, then, that this chamber should be constricting and cruelly angular†(63). We will write a custom essay on Edgar Allen Poe and his works specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Setting is also an important characteristic is Poe’s â€Å"The Fall of theHouse of Usher†. The images he gives us such as how both the Usher family andthe Usher mansion are crumbling from inside waiting to collapse, help us toconnect the background with the story. Vincent Buranelli says that â€Å"Poe isable to sysatin an atomosphere which is dark and dull. This is one of thetricks which he laregely derived from the tradition of the Gothic tale† (79). The whole setting in the story provides us with a feeling of melancholy. TheUsher mansion appears vacant and barren. The same is true for the narrator. Aswe picture in our minds the extreme decay and decomposistion, we can feelasthough the life around it is also crumbling. Narration is also an element in Poe’s short story style that appears tolink all of the stories together. He has a type of creativity which lets thereader see into the mind of the narrator or the main character of the story. Many of the characters in Poe’s stories seem to be insane. The narrator oftenseems to have some type of psychological problems. For exapmle, In Poe’s â€Å"TheCask of Amontillado, † the story opens with a first person narrator (Montresor)speaking about the planning of Fortunato’s death. By the anger and remorse thatMontresor has for Fortunato, one might think that this was a recent incident. It is not until the very end of the story that we realize, that the entire eventoccurred fifty years ago. David Herbert Lawrence says, â€Å"To the characters inPoe’s story, hate is as inordinate as live. The lust of hate is the inordinatedesire to consume and unspeakably possess the soul of the hated one, just as thelust of live is the desire to possess or be possessed be the beloved, uterly. †(33). Poe’s stories often have narrators that feel extreme hate or extreme lovefor another character in the story. .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .postImageUrl , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:hover , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:visited , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:active { border:0!important; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:active , .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3 .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7c307bb311a4098fa207afab019546b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Great Depression Persuasive EssayAnother example of Poe’s narrative style is seen in his story entitled,†The Black Cat†, where the narrator seems to have an obsession with pets. He hasone â€Å"special† pet which is a black cat. Although their original relationshipwith each other is one of respect and love, the situation soon changes. Thenarrator becomes somewhat possessed with the hate for the car. He turns againsthis wife and stabs his cat in the eye. By the end of the story, he killed hiswife in an attempt to kill the cat. Afterwards, the narrator does not even feelremorse for the wrongful death of his wife. Instead, he is just happy that t hecat dissapeared. This is just another instance in which the reader wonders whatis the driving force begins the narrator’s insanity. Buranelli, â€Å"In both Poe’sâ€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and his â€Å"The Black Cat†, the barrators act withoutconscience. There are no doubts, hesitiations or second thought to impede thenarrative. Both narrators just sought revenge† (77). Even though there are many more elements to Edgar Allan Poe’s shortstories than just his creative use of narration and setting, these arecharacteristivs which has attracted the most attention. Poe has a way ofwriting in which he does not have to reveal too much, or paint a pretty picturefor the reader in order to attract his attention. In D.H. Lawrence’s Studies inClassic American Literature, the author states, â€Å"Poe’s narrowness is like that of a sword, not that of a bottleneck: it is effective rather than constricting. Nothing adventitious is in his great stories, only the essentials, the mininum of characterization, plot, and atmosphere. By ridding himself of everything except what is precisely to the point, he achieves unity of effect. † (66). There is also a prominent distinction between right and wrong in Poe’stories. Viscous characters tend to come to a bad end. This lets the readeraccept these endings as a triumph of good over evil. As stated by Buranelli: â€Å"He has created a universe, given it psychological laws without denying the existence of the moral law, and peopled it with characters appropriate to such a universe. Puttng overt mortality out of bounds helps to give him uniqueness† (74). After researching Edgar Allan Poe more in depth, I now have a muchgreater respect for him and a slightly different perspective of his stories. While it is still evident to me that narrative style and setting have a greatdeal to do with the development of Poe’s short stories, I also realise now thatwe can’t overlap and intertwine with other aspects of the story, making themequally as important. I will end with a quote found in Vincent Buranelli’s EdgarAllan Poe: â€Å"Even though Poe is often looked upon as a gifted psychopath who is describing with consumate artistry his personal instablities and abnormalitiesm the fact remains that his superiority is more than a matter of art. There is a violent realism in his macabre writings unequaled by the Americans who worked in the same genre.†

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Narrative Speech free essay sample

What goes around, comes around. Who here believes in that phrase? I believe that acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, cause ripple effects that are perpetually everlasting. A while back, I stopped by at the Starbucks drive-by to order my morning crack, 4 shots over ice. As I was pulling up to pay, the barista said that the woman who just drove away paid for my drink already. The look I had on my face was probably priceless, because she said it was my lucky day and the passengers behind me as well. This amazing, anonymous woman committed such a selfless act, that it actually restores my faith for humanity. Till this day, I have no idea what she looks like, her name, or even remember the car she drove†¦but what I do know, she had a significant impact on my life. The only disappointment I had that day was not being able to say Thank you. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of life’s greatest treasures is being able to feel acknowledged, especially by those whom we care about or even random passersby. Every so often when I’m able to, I will buy a meal for someone on the street, give up my umbrella when it’s pouring, and distribute meals out on Thanksgiving. Color me sentimental, but receiving a random act of kindness from a stranger, is probably one of the best feelings in the world. It’s like the feeling you get when classes are canceled, or finding a fortuitous amount of money in the pant pocket. It makes you feel acknowledged, like someone is looking out for you. If you’re going to give, then just give. Don’t expect anything in return. But realize that you dont have to wait until someone shows you kindness, to start one. So believe me, what goes around, comes around.